How to Get Better Qualified Leads with Interactive Content

Avant Voice Aubrey BeckThank you to the SnapApp team for including me in their latest roundup blog post 42 Experts Explain How to Get Better Qualified Leads with Interactive Content.

[excerpt] 61% of B2B marketers send all leads directly to sales; however, only 27% of those leads will be qualified (MarketingSherpa).

The result?

A colossal waste of time and resources spent trying to sell to prospects that have no real need, or desire to buy from you.

To drive this home further, consider 67% of lost sales are a result of sales reps not receiving properly qualified leads before taking them through the sales process.

Bottom line: it’s a numbers game. And, in this case, “more isn’t merrier”.

In a world where attention spans are getting shorter, and users are being bombarded with more static content and opt-in forms, it’s becoming harder for marketing teams to cut through the noise.

It’s difficult to convince readers to shell out their email address, let alone enough information to adequately qualify prospects for sales teams.

So, the million dollar question:

What can you do to swing the pendulum from quantity to quality? How can you better qualify leads to free your sales team up to spend more time on revenue-generating activities?

Interactive content.

But, rather than me telling you how to do it, we decided how to take a different approach.

We reached out 42 VPs, CMOs and Content Strategists and asked the following question:

What interactive content types have you used to generate more “qualified” leads (and how)? 

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