5 Lessons from a 237 Year Old Startup

The onslaught of negative news-related information that hits us every minute of every day can be overwhelming. With every iPhone notification, sensational blog post, and scrolling television news ticker blaring out bad news, it can seem like nothing is going right in our country, but this Fourth of July I’d like to present a different view on what’s happening here in the United States.

We’re days away from celebrating America’s birthday and it’s incredible to think that what essentially began as a startup effort has survived 237 years. Here are five lessons that every technology marketing startup can learn from watching the progress and growth of the United States.

Be Brave

Our forefathers were the ultimate entrepreneurs; they sailed bravely into new territory in defiance of the way things had always been done in order to build something better. Through backbreaking and often heartbreaking challenges they established a framework and arrived at a point where they were strong enough to put their ideals out into the world for others to see.

Just like a startup company in today’s world, America’s beginnings were full of brave people with big ideas and the courage to stand up and put the word out that they had new ideas about how to do things.

Set Expectations

I like to think of the Declaration of Independence as our country’s first branding statement. After a laborious process of debate and compromise at the Second Continental Congress, our forefathers came to agree on the final document.

It was our country’s way of letting everyone else know what we were about and what to expect; our vision for the road ahead and what we were working towards. This process of putting together the ideas that would eventually help define who we are as a nation, was a lot like the arduous task of working through a startup company’s initial branding exercises.

Startups set their mission statements and have a vision. They fight hard to get to a place where they can operate on their own, independent of financial assistance from others. The people that build these companies from the ground up, step away from what they know, what they’re familiar with, and they take a chance on the opportunity to build something amazing, something never done before. They make the best decisions they can with the information at hand and step out into the market with their best efforts on display.

Continue reading on the Gabriel Marketing Group blog.

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