Go with the Flow: Creating a Natural Marketing Cycle Experience on Your Site

This post first appeared on the Salted Stone blog.

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the advice to “go with the flow” over the course of my life, but I never really took the time to consider it fully until recently.

Go with the flow.

What does it really mean? And what does it have to do with marketing and conversion rates?

For me, I’ve come to realize that going with the flow is about taking the time to observe what’s happening at any given moment and then contribute in a way that feels most natural to who you are at the core.

Going with the flow isn’t about giving up or doing what’s popular or playing copycat. It’s about making more informed choices about how to enter a situation in order to achieve optimal results for everyone – you, your organization and your customers.

Data versus Emotion

In marketing, when we’re looking for ways to increase the conversion rates associated with varying aspects of a website, we often look immediately to the numbers. We search out statistics, pour over the data, and dissect survey results to try and find all the reasons why we might not be hitting our numbers.

While these statistics and data provide valuable and necessary contributions to our understanding of how well our marketing efforts are working, they don’t provide a comprehensive solution to the marketing inefficiencies we experience.

A comprehensive solution incorporates both the logic side of the situation, as well as the feeling side of things. And yes, I just said feeling.

Continue reading on the Salted Stone blog.

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